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Sponsorship Level
Sponsorship Amount

Use $0 above if payment has been made alternatively ie: cash or cheque.


Diamond Sponsor $10,500+

  • Company logo on the Event T-shirt

  • Company banner near the stage at end venue

  • Company logo on all Event printed items, Ride with VIP's, encouraged having a

    company representative briefly address the audience. Responsible for a draw or two.


Platinum Sponsor $5000 - $10,499

  • Company logo on the Event T-shirt

  • Company logo banner displayed at end venue

  • Company logo on all Event printed items, Ride with VIP's, encouraged having a

    company representative briefly address the audience. Responsible for a draw or two.


Gold Sponsor $2500 - $4999

  • Company logo on the Event T-shirt

  • Gold banner displayed at end venue Ride with VIP's


Silver Sponsor $1500 - $2499

  • Company logo on the Event T-shirt

  • Banner displayed at end venue

Bronze Sponsor $500 - $1499

  • Company name listed on Event T-shirt

  • Banner displayed at end venue


Honourable Mention up to $499

• Company named on display board at end venue

If you require a charitable tax receipt and don’t require us to promote your company on our

website or any other promotional item (banners, T-shirts) we can provide a charitable tax receipt

If you require a charitable tax receipt and don't require us to promote your company on our forwaellbdsiotenaotrioanysotvher$p2ro0m. Cohtiaornitaalbitlemta(xbarnencerips,tTs-wshiilrltbs)ewisesucaendpbryovoiduer cahcahrairtiytarbelceiptaiexnrtecpeaiprtners.

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